Pulney Coffee From Laks Farms


Laks Farm sits on the peaks of the Lower Pulney Hills, at a height of 1500m. This is one of the few regions in India with the right altitude and climate to grow Arabica Coffee. We grow exclusively Arabica coffee, and employ only organic and sustainable farming methods to create the most exquisite tasting coffee. 


The farm is also home to cardamom, black pepper, turmeric, ginger, avocados and a variety of native fruit trees like jackfruit, oranges and banana, which add a unique fruity, spicy flavor to our coffee beans.


Our coffee cherries and all our spices are hand-picked, and all processing is done on site. This helps lock in the flavor profile, and ensure maximum freshness.


Laks Farm provides employment to the local community, and employs sustainable farming methods to reduce wastage. Any farm waste is converted into manure and reused in the farm. We  grow cows, that produce organic manure and bees which help in pollinating the coffee flowers as well as producing excellent honey. 


Laks Farm reflects the passion of its owner, H R. Iyer, a mechanical engineer turned agriculturist. After retiring from his profession, he discovered his thirst to create a truly organic and sustainable farm, where we can create great produce, without using harmful chemicals and pesticides. A self-taught cultivator, he has studied the crop growing practices across the world, and employed only the best ones to create the elegant, refined & superlative Pulney range of products.

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